Golden Era of Handy crafts in Kutch
Sewa International Design & Development
Centre inaugurated
“Many organizations were at the forefront
of relief and rehabilitation soon after the devastating earthquake of 2001,
serving the affected in whatever way they can, however after a decade a few
only are still trying to help out the development of Kutch. Sewa International
and Sewa Bharati are among the few who have continued their mission even after
a decade and this is the indication of their commitment and perseverance,”
exclaimed Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Bhai Modi while inaugurating
the Sewa International Design & Development Centre, in Jiapar Village,
Kutch, Gujarat.

Sri Narendra Modi was received by Trustees
of Sewa International Sri Jay Prakashji, Sri Bimal Kedia, Sri Rameshbhai Mehta,
Sri Haribhai Halai and Sri Jadavjibhai Gorasia at the newly constructed
premises of the Centre.
After unveiling the plaque and planting a sapling,
Narendra Bhai Modi lighted a lamp in the centre. He spent good few minutes
observing the activity within centre and having chat with the women trainees
and the production team. He could also watch the group of ladies embroidering
new patch work for the finished goods before setting off to an eagerly waiting
Sri Narendra Modi established a
direct communication with the gathering through the chanting of “Bharat Mata ki
Jai” and said in his typical style in Gujarati “mane yad chne das varas pahelan
meyn Narayanpur nu lokarpan karyun hatu” (I very well remember that I had
inaugurated this village Narayanpur a decade earlier). He did not miss to pay
homage to the founder of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Pujaniya Dr. Hedgewar by
offering flowers and reminding people of Dr. Hedgewar’s contribution to nation
building activity. He also took opportunity of reminding people of the
changes that have come about in Kutch after the earthquake. Development of the
infrastructure, rebuilding and resettlement at the speed not seen before was
The Chief Minister exhorted the potential strength of
Bharat by stating that “this is a country of the youth with 67% population
below the age of 35years providing the leverage to this country to excel in
world market in this century, provided the youth is empowered with required
skills and apt orientation that can empower Bharat for an edge to compete with
neighbouring China. He took special note of Sewa International for coming up
with the help at the need of the hour in Kutch during earthquake of 2001 and
also appreciated the efforts & initiatives taken for rehabilitation in the
Indo-Pak border area of Kutch especially for the empowerment of women by
training and developing their designing skills in matching the demand of the
modern market. His quips that enthused the gathering were “Khusbu Gujarat ki”
& “Kutch nahi dekha to Kuchh nahi dekha” (“flavour of Gujarat” & “if
one has not seen Kutch, one has seen nothing”) which is an effort to promote
Gujarat tourism and opening the gates for handicraft industry of Kutch.
Shri Narendra Bhai Modi explicated the initiative of
Gujarat government in promoting self help groups of women- and orient, train
them to develop in production and marketing skills with professional touch. His
government, he informed, has made special provision of funding and promoting
this idea through “Mission Mangalm” setting aside Rs 1600cr for the
strengthening of SHG movement in the state.
Chairman of Sewa International Sri Jai
Prakash welcomed the guests on the dais while Sri Ramesh Bhai Mehta elaborated
the Sewa International activity in Kutch post rehabilitation. Prant Sewa
Pramukh Sri Ashok Rawal elucidated the rehabilitation program after the
earthquake taken up jointly by Sewa Bharati Gujarat and Sewa International.
Chief Guest Sri Ashok Bhai Shah and Guest of Honour Sri Babubhai Ahir
appreciated the arts & crafts of Kutch and promised to provide marketing
platform for the finished goods from this Design & Development Centre.
Shri Raghunath Verabally received the
felicitation from Sri Narendra Bhai Modi on behalf of India Development &
Relief Fund in the absence of Dr. Vinod Prakash, Presidnet of IDRF. Kutch Kala
Sewa Trust is the implanting agency in Kutch looking after the activities of
SIDDC. President of Kutch Kala Sewa Trust Shri Hari Bhai Halai thanked the
honourable guests and the gathering at the end.
Sewa International to launch family services
project in U.S.
From Tsunami relief in Ja- pan or fl ood
relief in Pakistan to building a weavers’ cooperative in Cleveland, Ohio, or
closer home, helping the Bhutanese refugees rebuild their lives in Houston, or
improving the life of villagers in Kenya or India, volunteers of Sewa
International, have lived up to their motto, serving humanity is serving god.
Sewa International USA, a faithbased nonprofit organization, guided by the Hindu
philosophy of peace and harmony, helps people, irrespective of their religion,
race, color or nationality and helps increase civic engagement of the
communities in the United States to volunteer and promote volunteering.
Volunteers literally live up to the meaning of the Sanskrit word “Sewa,”
“service above self.” Sewa International was incorporated in the U.S. in 2003
and the fl edgling organization has now spread to 38 chapters spanning 20 metros
in 25 states. Speaking at the conclusion of the sixth annual conference of Sewa
International in Houston recently, President Sree N. Sreenath said the
organization donated more than a $1 million to various projects last year. For
example, Sewa volunteers have provided more than 80,000 volunteer hours for the
Bhutanese rehabilitation project all over the U.S., Sreenath said. Ramesh
Bhutada of Houston, director on the board of Sewa International, expressed the
confi dence that in five years “Sewa” would become a premiere organization. Based
on the growth of the organization in its initial years and enthused by the
volunteerism of people associated with the group, Bhutada said “People asset is
critical to an organization and we are off to a good start.” Volunteers build
an organization, he added. Giving money is considered the lowest form of
charity, but giving knowledge or providing selfl ess service with no expectation
of a reward, is the highest form of charity and Sewa is a living example of
that, Bhutada said. Dr. Radheshyam Dwivedi, chairman of the board, said Sewa is
a “charity with a difference. It is inspirational.” At the national conference
in Houston, Sewa board of directors and representatives from various chapters
decided on future projects and identified 20 “star” projects, both in India and
abroad. “As the community needs are multiplying with growing numbers, there is
an urgent need to assist families from a Hindu perspective. Sewa is happy to
offer Family Services to the community,” Sreenath said. Sewa will launch a
pilot program to provide family services. Sewa volunteers have noticed an
upward trend in families seeking external help to manage an emergency
situation. The experience, cultural understanding and a caring hand is what
Sewa seeks to provide through this program. “Because most members of the Hindu
community in USA are immigrants, they do not posses the knowledge and are not
surrounded by an experienced circle of people to navigate the American system
in a crisis”. “Emergencies leave families emotionally exhausted especially when
people are away from their extended families. A lack of culturally compatible
support system leads families to disastrous consequences,” Sreenath said.
“Sewa’s Boston and Houston chapters have taken up the Family Services as a
pilot project this year. We are working very closely with Boston based Indian
Circle for Caring (http://ouricc.org) to implement this project,” he said. Sewa helps other
organizations and one such program in Maharashtra helps in reuniting runaway
children with their parents. In Mumbai railway station, on an average 125
children arrive daily and they fall prey to tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Sewa
helps the Samatol Foundation in running a rehabilitation camp for the hapless
children. This is one of myriad projects of Sewa in 17 different countries.
During the public event in the national conference, Sreenath gave away certifi
cates and mementos to volunteers from Sewa Houston chapter. Sewa Houston
President Manju Gupta, Vice President Vasudev Singh and Chapter Coordinator
Suryansh Purwar helped organize the national conference. Sewa can be contacted
at (708) USA-SEWA, or atinfo@sewausa.org and http://www.sewausa.org.
RSS, South Chennai coordinators approached
100 years old Government hospital at Royapettah in Chennai for taking up a
cleaning drive in the premises. On 13 May, 2012 over 180 volunteers of various
teams like sports group, IT professionals, auditors, teachers and students
assembled in the morning at the hospital from different parts of Chennai. A
brief inaugural session was presided by Ma. Sanghachalak Durai Shankar ji,
famous actor Damu, Hospital Sergeants Thirumal and Khaleelullah Rahman. Shri
Durai Shankar said that sangha inculcates spirit of Sewa through Shakha. Actor
Damu was highly impressed by the young disciplined crowd assembled there and
exhorted the volunteers to continue serving the society. Six groups were formed
to clean a huge sump of 48,000 litres capacity, 5 Over head tanks, 2 wards,
open space around the hospital and a little temple. Among the other areas
planned for cleaning was abandoned go down in the old hospital premises, area
which was filled with food packets probably dumped many weeks was also cleared.
At the end of the programme Sewa Pramukh Raman ji briefly spoke appreciating
the effort of swayamsewaks and asked them to take the efforts to Shakha level.
The RMO who went round the hospital to survey the work carried out was very impressed
and said “Only RSS can do such a work with a cohesive team of people from
different walks of life”.
Beggar who gave alms to the poor
-Radha Sharma,
story that can put thousands of rich indians to shame for never give a penny
for poor people]
AHMEDABAD: A beggar on Saturday proved that charity only needs a big heart rather than deep pockets. Khimjibhai Prajapati, 64 and a beggar in Mehsana for a decade, donated clothes to 11 poor hearing and speech-impaired girls at the Shrimati Kesarbai Kilachand School for the Deaf. Rich philanthropists have been a more common sight but it was the first time ever that a beggar had walked into the school to share his savings. It was an unusual sight.
An unkempt Khimjibhai in tattered, unwashed
clothes, limped through the school gates on crutches and placed the brand new
clothes in the hands of 11 eager girls. He had used his savings of Rs 3,000 to
buy the clothes. Khimjibhai begs outside the Simandhar Swami Jain Temple
in Mehsana and outside the Hanuman Temple. He lives nearby and asks the
devotees for alms.
So why did he give alms to the unfortunate
children at the school? Khimjibhai said, "I just need two meals a day and
some money to send back to my ailing wife in Rajkot to cure her ulcers and lung
infection. Apart from this, whatever I earn I use to buy food for poor, hungry
people. Since a long time I wished to do something for girls and I am happy to
donate for them". Khimjibhai used to run a tea stall in Rajkot but
escalating prices and shrinking profit margins wreaked huge losses and left him
on the streets.
His faith in God brought him to Mehsana
where he took shelter outside the Jain temple. "Whether rich or poor, one
should always try to help the needy," he says.
Khimjibhai helped an orphanned girl marry
some time ago. Bharat Shah, a trustee of the institution that runs the
school, said, "I have never seen such philanthropy in the 35 years of
career. He just goes on to prove that the true donor is he who has one roti and
shares half with the hungry." One of those who received clothes was
Swati Bhagwandas, an orphan who has been at the residential school for years.
The 18-year old's eyes shone with happiness.
The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) has
urged the Bharatiya government this week to provide formal legal status to
Hindu refugees fleeing religious persecution in Pakistan. According to several
human rights organizations, thousands of Pakistani Hindus have sought refuge in
Bharat in recent years, but the Bharatiya government has refused to officially
recognize them as refugees. As a result, most Pakistani Hindus live on the
margins of society in Bharat, without legal documents and unable to access
government benefits. Although there has been a steady flow of Hindus crossing
the border since the 1990s, rapidly deteriorating conditions in Pakistan have
caused a significant increase in migration over the last few years. The upsurge
in kidnappings and forced conversions of Hindu girls, in particular, has
created an atmosphere of fear and insecurity amongst Pakistan's Hindu
Sikh police officers in the American
capital will be allowed to wear turbans, beards and other religious items while
on the job. The new uniform policy announced by Washington DC police Chief
Cathy Lanier makes it the first major metropolitan police department in the US
to permit Sikhs to maintain their articles of faith. Developed with the Sikh
American Legal Defence and Education Fund (SALDEF), the new police policy
states that Sikh officers can wear turbans that are the same colour as the
uniform that they would otherwise be required to wear, with the department
badge that is normally on hats pinned to the front of the turban.
A child prodigy from Bhojpur district in
Bihar has created history by cracking the IIT-JEE 2012 at the age of 12 years
and nine months. Satyam Kumar of Bakhorapur village under Barahara block in
Bhojpur district got all-Bharat rank (AIR) 8,137 in the prestigious
competition. He qualified from Mumbai zone, and is still awaiting his plus two
results. Born on July 20, 1999, in an illiterate farmer's family, he showed his
talent from childhood itself. His father Sidhnath Singh and mother Pramila
Singh recognized his talent and he was admitted to Central Public School,
Patna, in Standard IX at a tender age. But he left his study there midway and
went to Kota in Rajasthan to join a coaching institute there. The institute's
director, R K Verma, himself took his test and found latent genius in him.
Verma helped finance his studies from Standard 9 to class 12 that resulted in
his success in the one of the toughest examinations in the country at such a
tender age. Satyam had passed class X board examination from a Kota school.
Sidhnath Singh said his family members, Satyam's teachers and he himself always
marvelled at his talent and they felt that the boy would do something
extraordinary in his life one day. The success of his son had brought laurels
to the family, which was till now in oblivion.
Faced with the highest army suicide rates
in at least 30 years, U.S. military officials are examining ways to help treat
psychologically wounded soldiers. A study published in the March issue of the
journal Injury Prevention found the number of U.S. military suicides rose by 80
percent from 2004 to 2008. The increased risk of suicide is linked to combat
service in Iraq and Afghanistan and mental health problems like post traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety
disorder that may occur after exposure to a traumatic event such as military
combat, violence or a natural calamity. Research reports that yoga practice can
help relieve PTSD symptoms like psychological distress, anxiety and sadness.
According to the RAND Center for Military Health Policy Research, approximately
18.5 percent of returning soldiers from Iraq or Afghanistan have PTSD. Now
the U.S. military is turning to yoga to help manage combat stress and decrease
the risk of PTSD and suicide.
The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
launched a scheme called the “Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children”
(SPDC) in 2006-07, to assist children/wards of Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs)
and Non-Resident Indian (NRIs) in pursuing under graduate courses in several
disciplines in Bharat. For SDPC 2012-13; 100 scholarships are being offered for
undergraduate courses in several disciplines including
Engineering/Architecture/Technology, Humanities/Liberal Arts, Commerce,
Management – BBA/BBM, Journalism, Hotel Managemen
etc. The programme is open only
to PIOs/NRIs from the specified 40 countries having a larger concentration of
Bharatiya Diaspora. For more info see www.edcilindia.co.in .
Sukhwinder Singh, a London- based NRI
builder who was stabbed to death while he was confronting two muggers who had
snatched a woman's bag in London in 2010, has been given a police public
bravery award posthumously. The ACPO Police Public Bravery Awards that were presented
in Manchester yesterday recognise outstanding acts of courage. The awardees are
nominated by the Metropolitan Police Service. Singh, 31, chased the muggers
after witnessing the attack on a 28-year-old woman in Barking, East London.
When he caught up with them he was fatally injured by a single stab wound.
Acting Detective Chief Inspector, Andrew Kelly, who is leading the
investigation, said: "Sukhwinder's family remain devastated by his loss
but are very proud that he has been nominated for this award and of his
courageous ".
Women are the base of our culture. To make the country
strong, all round development of women is very important for which Durga
Vahini, the women wing of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), has played a vital role
said North Delhi Mayor Meera Agrawal. She was addressing the valedictory
session of a week long training camp of Durga vahini in north Delhi on June 1.
The camp was held under the guidance of Shri Ashok Kumar, the state vice
president-VHP and was headed by state co-convenor of Durga vahini Mrs Sanjana
Chaudhary & Ms. Kushum jointly. The guiding role was played by state head
of Marti Shakti Mrs Simmi Ahuja.
Coinciding with the national Teacher
Appreciation Week celebrated during the month of May, the Hindu Education
Foundation held the fifth annual Teacher’s Appreciation program called ‘Guru
Vandana’ throughout the USA to highlight the importance of the Teachers in
shaping the future citizens of the country. Guru Vandana means “Reverence for
the Teacher” – it is the thanksgiving from a student to a teacher, expressing
his/her gratitude. The Guru Vandana program provides a platform for
students to honor their teachers, for imparting knowledge and wisdom to
them. This event was organized in collaboration with the Hindu
Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) USA, in 27 school districts including schools from the
Houston, Sunnyvale, New York, and Boston areas. More than 325 teachers from
about 125 schools have been honored by their students in the presence of large
audiences.School Teachers, Superintendents, Executive Directors and Mayors of
the towns have enthusiastically participated in the programs and appreciated
the initiative. “They also explained a lot of the culture, and I didn’t know
about it so it was a learning experience for me” said Professor Xavier Garza
from the University of Houston, Victoria. One teacher response after the
event “The thanks is all mine! What a special day. I can’t tell you how much I
appreciate the honor bestowed upon my colleagues and me. The kids were a joy to
watch—so talented and devout. The food was outstanding, and the gifts were too
kind. I felt like a million bucks leaving the ceremony on Saturday.” The
event and its unique Hindu philosophical theme was to acknowledge the role of
teacher in a student’s life. Teachers and other officials also appreciated how
Hindu families are helping shape the teacher and student relationship in
fostering excellence in education.
In a very intense and gripping game that
weathered repeated interruption from the rains, ‘Newport Nukes’, a team from
Jersey City won the “YFS Cricket For Charity - 2012” tournament organized by
Youth For Sewa (YFS) volunteers from Sewa International’s NY Metro Chapter on
June 2-3. For the second year in a row, Sewa International succeeded in
blending enthusiasm for cricket and a desire to help a good cause – educating
underprivileged children in Bharat. This year's event raised $30,000 and had
registrations from 350 players from 34 teams. Compared to 2011, both the
funds-raised and the participation increased by 20%. Mr. Raj Mukherji, Jersey
City’s Deputy Mayor, while presenting trophy and medals said he was very
impressed by the participation in the tournament and liked the concept of
selfless service portrayed by Sewa and stressed the importance of volunteerism
in building a healthy community.
15 parents and 10 children participated the
event on June 2. A short introduction for the parents, talk about Balagokulam
goals with examples, games, mandal Jodi men Gho, stories, sloka, the
prarthana—Guru Brahma Guru Vishna etc. were the highlights of the
US President Barack Obama on June 11
nominated Bharat-born legal luminary Srikanth Srinivasan to the Federal Court
of Appeals, the highest ever judicial appointment of a Bharatiya-American in the U.S. There
are 13 Court of Appeals across the U.S. with 179 judges, and the Washington DC
Appeals Court to which Srinivasan has been
nominated is considered particularly influential, with Obama himself calling it
''the nation's second highest court.'' "Sri" Srinivasan, as he is
popularly known, was born in Chandigarh and grew up in Lawrence, Kansas, before
receiving a BA, and later a JD and MBA from Stanford University. Srinivasan has
also taught at Harvard Law School.
Beijing University is all set to offer a
two-year full-time residential program in Gujarati language for those keen to
work in Gujarat. By January 2013, the university's language and culture
department will roll out an extensive curriculum covering various aspects of
the language. Faculty from colleges and universities of Gujarat are likely to
teach the course through an open invitation and interview. Gujarat is eyeing
over 10 per cent of the total Chinese investment of $100 billion expected in
Bharat in the next five years. Also, some 30 Chinese companies have shown
interest in developing a Rs 25,000 crore township in Gujarat.
Yoga Shivir by Bharat
Vikas Parishad in Karnal jail
Karnal unit of the Bharat Vikas Parishad
organised a yoga camp in the district jail on June 9. Speaking on the occasion,
Deputy Commissioner Renu S Phulia said yoga is must for keeping the body and
mind fit. She appealed to the prisoners that those who are trained in yoga
should teach it to others. Jail Superintendent Shri Sher Singh welcomed the
Deputy Commissioner and spoke about the facilities being provided to the
prisoners. Some prisoners also spoke about the change that they underwent while
staying in the jail. They also promised that they would live a transformed life
after completing their sentence.
Sevika Samiti camp in Delhi
women make a strong nation—Alkatai Inamda
A 15-day training camp of Rashtra Sevika Samiti,
concluded at Saraswati Shishu Mandir, Harinagar in Delhi on June 3. A total of
136 Sevikas from all over Delhi participated in the camp, which had begun on
May 19. Editor of Ping magazine Smt Neelam Pratap Rudy, Pramukh Karyavahika of
the Samiti Shantakkaji and Sahakaryavahika Alkatai Inamdar were among the
prominent personalities who attended the concluding ceremony.
According to Smt Maheshlata Bali, many senior Sevika Samiti and Sangh leaders guided the Sevikas during the fortnight long training camp. She also informed the gathering about the daily routine, which was followed by the Sevikas while undergoing training.
In her speech Alkatai Inamdar said the concluding ceremony of the training camp is basically the beginning of the Samiti work in the field. “Our shakha is a holy place for building responsible women that the nation needs today. All our activities in the shakha are aimed at imparting samskars. Every woman should think what the society needs today and how she can contribute in it,” she said. “Need of the hour is that we all should work to rectify the imbalance that has been created in various fields of social life. The women should also be empowred so that they can keep their family and society untied,” she emphasised. She further said a weak woman cannot make a strong nation. It is the responsibility of the woman that every member of the family should be a good citizen, patriot and responsible, she said.
According to Smt Maheshlata Bali, many senior Sevika Samiti and Sangh leaders guided the Sevikas during the fortnight long training camp. She also informed the gathering about the daily routine, which was followed by the Sevikas while undergoing training.
In her speech Alkatai Inamdar said the concluding ceremony of the training camp is basically the beginning of the Samiti work in the field. “Our shakha is a holy place for building responsible women that the nation needs today. All our activities in the shakha are aimed at imparting samskars. Every woman should think what the society needs today and how she can contribute in it,” she said. “Need of the hour is that we all should work to rectify the imbalance that has been created in various fields of social life. The women should also be empowred so that they can keep their family and society untied,” she emphasised. She further said a weak woman cannot make a strong nation. It is the responsibility of the woman that every member of the family should be a good citizen, patriot and responsible, she said.
“Tree plantation is equally important for
rural development as are providing education, health and employment
opportunities to the villagers. Therefore, we should generate love for trees,”
said the Akhil Bharatiya Gram Vikas Pramukh of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram Shri
Prakash Kamat. He was speaking at a function organised at Khanvel, Dadra Nagar
Haveli, on June 5. The function was organised by Dadra Nagar Haveli unit of
Kalyan Ashram at Surya Niketan-Mota Randha. People from 12 villages of Khanvel
and 41 villages of Randa participated in the function. Prior to the plantation,
the saplings of various fruits and herbs were worshipped. Even the villagers
who attended the function were also granted saplings in the form of prasad and
were requested to plant and nurture them with utmost care and affection.
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